If you decide you do not want a diesel powered generator for any reason check out this dual fuel 13000 watt generator by  Pulsar. This is where the "learn more" button at the bottom of this post will take you

Advantages and Disadvantages of Diesel Generators


Diesel generators are essentially machines that produce electricity by utilizing diesel fuel. They have a wide range of possible uses in homes, businesses, and construction  sites. This article will explore the  advantage and disadvantage of using a diesel generator as opposed to gasoline or propane powered generators 



One huge advantage of a diesel generator is their reliability. They are known to be more durable and have the ability to provide consistent power. Unlike gasoline or propane powered generators, diesel can withstand heavier loads and operate for extended periods of time without overheating. This is critical in places where you can’t afford to have them breakdown, like running life saving medical equipment.

Fuel Efficiency

They are also more fuel efficient compared to gasoline generators. This means they can generate more electricity using less fuel due to the higher energy content of diesel fuel. This can lead to cost savings and over time. This would be especially useful for users who rely on generators for extended or long periods of time 


Diesel generators have a longer lifespan compared to the  gasoline and propane driven types. They are generally  built with sturdier components and can withstand harsh operating conditions. With proper maintenance, diesel can last for years, even decades. So if your situation is calling for a long term power solution diesel might be a good way to go. 


Diesel fuel is widely available around the world. Most North  American gas stations sell diesel fuel. On a par with gasoline power but also is more readily available than the alternatives such as natural gas or propane. If you are in a remote area diesel might be a consideration because of its easy access and wide availability.  


Noise and Pollution

Diesel generators can be quite noisy when running. The combustion process and the noise it produces can be disruptive especially in residential areas. Also, diesel generators emit pollutants such as nitrogen oxides and particulate matter which  does contribute to air pollution. The environmental impact of these generators on this point can cause problems like health and environmental concerns

Initial Cost

Diesel generators tend to be more expensive than the  other types. This is due to the complicated construction as compared to gasoline generators. This has to be taken into consideration and compared to  the long term advantages that diesel generators possess. It could be a savings in the long run


Diesel powered generators require regular maintenance to insure their optimal performance. Oil changes, filter replacements and periodic inspections should be rigorously scheduled. While diligent maintenance can prolong their lifespan, It also adds to operational costs making it more expensive. And, a certain level of technical expertise is needed. 

Size and Portability

These machines are generally larger and heavier as compared to other types of  generators. This could affect their portability making them harder to move around. And, ease of movement can be very important in certain situations. For example using one of these generators for camping or other mobile applications can prove to be not the best choice 

In summary, diesel generators have several advantages, including reliability, longevity, fuel efficiency and availability. But the disadvantages such as noise, pollution, higher initial costs, increased maintenance and limited portability requires the  buyer to make a more informed choice to exactly what he or she wants. All of these factors need to be considered when making a choice to buy a portable generator.

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